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February 2019

The Science of Entomology

Submitted by susan.bird on

Mrs. Gallagher's morning class talking about the Science of Entomology with Mr. Whiting from BYU

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Fifth Grade Enrichment

Submitted by susan.bird on

In Miss Bird’s fifth grade enrichment, we worked on problem solving by creating taco trucks.  We started by designing our logo and what our truck would look like. We created menus, took orders and added prices.  Then, we constructed our taco trucks.

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #iteachtoo


Miss Bird

Chemical Changes

Submitted by susan.bird on

In Miss Bird’s fifth grade class, we have been talking about chemical changes.  We found out that a chemical change is when ingredients are combined and the result is a completely new substance and that it is not reversible.  We have been doing a few experiments in our class. In one we combined the reactants (ingredients) of water, baking soda, laundry detergent, and vinegar.  The product was that we created a lot of foam. Another experiment was that we grew salt crystals. We combined the reactants of bluing, water, salt and a borax solution.

Miss Susie Bird

Utah Valley Student of the Week: Samantha Rigtrup

Submitted by susan.bird on

Congrats to our very own sixth grader, Samantha Rigtrup who was honored as the Utah Valley Student of the Week in the Daily Herald.  Samantha is a great example in our school.  She is on the student council, she works hard and looks out for everyone.  She always has a great attitude and works her hardest in everything she does.  Way to go Samantha!

Utah Valley Educator of the Week: Mr. Anderson

Submitted by susan.bird on

We want to congratulate Mr. Anderson who was honored as the Utah Valley Educator of the Week.  Mr. Anderson is a second grade teacher who does an amazing job with his class and all the students at Brookside. 

Check out the story here:  https://www.heraldextra.com/news/community/education/utah-valley-educator-of-the-week-dustin-anderson/article_bbc344c0-ff0e-5230-ac8f-636ad0e8b1ba.html#tncms-source=article-nav-next

Congrats, Mr. Anderson! 

Brookside Praise Note Students For February 8, 2019

Submitted by liz.porter on

Lili Bauer helped get a project ready for another student to take home, Paula Gomez helped another student get her project ready to take home, Michael Milian always has fun ideas to help the class stay on task and have fun, Rhett Morrison came right in and put chairs down for everyone, Katelyn Dickson has read over 100 minutes for the last 4 weeks, and Allie Dickson has been so respectful walking in the hall.

Mrs. Dana Beckert

Dads and Donuts

Submitted by susan.bird on

We were so excited to welcome all our dads, grandparents, moms, aunts, uncles, friends and neighbors who came and read with their students this morning.  It was an amazing turnout for our annual dads and donuts. There were families everywhere throughout our building sharing stories and reading to one another.  It was an awesome sight!

Miss Susie Bird

Science Week in Kindergarten

Submitted by susan.bird on

Kindergarten doing science experiments. Snow Slime and Will the cookie sink or float?

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #iteachtoo


Mrs. Ann Gallagher

Dads and Donuts

Submitted by susan.bird on

It is time for our annual bring your dad, grandpa, uncle, mom, aunt, grandma or neighbr and donuts day.  This Friday, February 8. 2019 from 8 am to 8:55 am, come and enjoy and donut and read with your student.  Hope to see you there!

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #iteachtoo


Miss Susie Bird