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Springville Power Field Trip

Submitted by susan.bird on
Springville Power field trip
Springville Power field trip
Springville Power field trip
Springville Power field trip
Springville Power field trip
Springville Power field trip
Springville Power field trip
Springville Power field trip
Springville Power field trip
Springville Power field trip
Springville Power field trip
Springville Power field trip

Our Fourth Graders traveled to Springville Power to learn about electricity during Public Power Week. We learned about safety around electricity, conductors and insulators. We learned to never touch wires because we don’t know if they are live or not. Always call the professionals.

Next, we got to tour the power plant and learn how it works and how we get electricity in our houses. We were taught about the kinds of fuels we use. 

Finally, we got to have some open lab time and learned about how electricity works. Thank you Springville Power for this fun experience. 

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Miss Susie Bird