April 2018
Brookside Elementary Praise Note Students
Mary Finlayson always puts in her best efforts as a student, friend and helper, Andres Solorio helped other students by setting up the computer lab for SAGE testing, Trygve Stewart works hard and is thoughful, Lydia Steiner always is looking for ways to help our class and our school, Samantha Steiner took time before school to help set up the computer lab, Katara Penrod really is on top of her work and has a great attitude, Brock Mickelson is a great friend in class and on
Mrs. Beckert's Monday Message
Dear Parents,
It is BOGO book fair week! Thank you to our PTA volunteers for helping out with our book fair! The hours are as follows:
Monday, April 23 – 8:30-9:30 am, 3:00-4:00 pm and 6:00-7:00 pm for the Arts Showcase with raffles for free items.
Tuesday, April 24 – 8:30-9:30 am and 3:00-4:00pm
Wednesday, April 25 – 8:30-9:30 am and 3:00-4:00pm
Thursday, April 26 – 8:30-9:30 am and 3:00-4:00pm
Brookside Elementary Had An Awesome "Art Showcase" Last Night
A big thank you goes out to all the students who participated in the Art Showcase last night. It was just fabulous. Lots of great art and music were performed and enjoyed. Thank you to all the hard work and extra time the Brookside teachers put in to makeing, collecting and displaying all the art.
Way to go students, great job sharing so many wonderful talents!
PTA Still Needs Volunteers To Help With The Book Fair
The PTA is still in need of volunteers to help this week at the book fair. Please sign up on the link we have further down on the website.
Brookside Elementary Jump-A-Thon
The Brookside PTA had a jump-a-thon fundraiser this week and everyone seemed to really have fun and enjoyed it. Thanks to all the family, friends and others who sponsored our jumpers. We sure appreciate it. A final fundraising total will be announced at a later date.
2018 Summer Theatre Camp
Summer Theatre Camp for grades 4, 5 and 6 graders. Two sessions at two different locations. Flyers available in the office
Praise Note Students For April 20, 2018
Congratulations to these awesome Brookside Elementary Students, they have been caught doing priaseworthy deeds throught the school.
Mrs. Sandra Lamb Receives "Excellence In Service" Award
Mrs. Lamb has worked at Brookside elementary for 15 years. She has been a much loved and appreciated skills lab technician. She was raised here in Springville and married her high school sweetheart. She has 3 children, and 11 grandchildren and loves spending as much time as she can with them. She enjoys traveling and shopping. She overcame a great trial this year and came out a survivor. Brookside elementary would not be the same without her. Congratuations Mrs. Lamb! You're the best!
Brookside Elementary BOGO Bookfair PTA Volunteer Sign-Up Link
Please click on the link below to sign up to help at the book fair April 20-27, 2018