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Brookside Praise Note Students March 14, 2019

Submitted by liz.porter on

Gavin Cottle always is respectful to others. He works hard and stays busy and doesn't disrupt other students, Olivia Milligan always is on task and does what is asked, Zoie Curtis always is willing to help when needed, Tavia Gallagher is nice on the playground and helped another student when they got hurt, Angelina Love stayed behind at the end of the day to clean up in the classroom, Leila Wilson finished her work and put in lots of effort to get caught up from being absent, Kayla Garcia tries so hard to be a good student and is always on task in class, Eveline Ostler cleaned up the girls restroom without being asked, and Irelynn Waycasy kept on trying to get her thoughts out until the teacher finally understood her wonderful question.

Great work students, way to show #Tigerpride!

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Mrs. Dana Beckert