Dear Parents,
Thank you to all the parents who took the time to respond to the Stakeholder’s Survey. The data is now available and teachers will be given a copy of their feedback within the next week. We understand and appreciate the importance of working together to provide a quality education for all students. Thank you again for your feedback.
Here are a few reminders for this week:
Our 1st-3rd grade choir concert will be held on March 1st at 4:00. Students will not have practice that morning. We are excited to celebrate their hard work and talent.
The PTA is holding its Volunteer Brunch this Friday at 10:00 am in the Tiger’s Den. This is not just for PTA members, it is for all those who volunteer at the school. Thank you to all those who take the time to volunteer! We appreciate all you do!
2017-18 Yearbooks are now on sale. The price before March 2nd is $13.00 and will be $15.00 after March 2nd. You can pay with cash or a check made payable to “Brookside Elementary PTA”.
Students will be getting out of school early on Monday, March 5th for teacher development. Students will be dismissed at 12:00 noon. Kindergarten students will be dismissed at their regular time, 11:15 am.
Thank you and have a wonderful week! Dana Beckert
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