750 E. 400 S.     Springville, UT 84663     |     (801) 489-2830     Fax (801) 489-2834

Monday Message

Submitted by alicia.rudd on

Dear Parents,

Thank you for talking to your children about the lock down procedures.  Fridays drill went smoothly.  On Wednesday of this week, our faculty and staff will be trained again by myself and David Gneiting, our district At-Risk specialist, of more items to be aware of as far as safety.  We continue to practice and improve procedures so we will all have a peace of mind that children are safe and cared for while at school.

Today our 5th grade shared their Wax Museum with us.  Thank you for helping your child put the time in to find a costume.  They played the parts so well.  There is also the 6:00 parent program tonight if anyone wants to visit.  You will not be disappointed!

Our 6th grade has their Egyptian Musuem on Friday from 1:00-2:00.  They have also worked so hard on their project.  Yet another reason to thank you as parents.

Also, I'd like to thank the teachers and staff that work with all our students.  We have an amazing group of dedicated adults that work hard every day.

It's time for another Box Top challenge.  While you are buying items for your Thanksgiving dinner, watch for the products that have Box Tops.  The Box Tops are an easy way for the PTA to collect money for the school.

This week is our Book Fair.  Students can visit before school and after from 8:30-3:30.  They will also be going in with their classes.

Next week is a short week with only school on Monday and Tuesday.  Our Thanksgiving break begins Wednesday-Friday.  Please have a safe and fun break with your families.

It only takes a little to do something BIG! Tiger Pride
Mrs. Rudd

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Mrs. Rudd