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Wax Museum

Submitted by susan.bird on

Our 5th Grade students did a fantastic job on their Wax Museum Biography Project. Students selected a biography to read about a famous and influential American. They then took notes and completed an informational booklet about their chosen person.

Miss Kelly White, Mrs. Tammy Smith

Some Halloween Fun!

Submitted by susan.bird on

This past Tuesday, Brookside Elementary celebrate Halloween. Students and teachers dressed up to celebrate the holiday.  Each class had a party where games were played, crafts were made and everyone had a lot of fun.  We hope everyone had a very happy holiday.  Here are just a few photos capturing the fun.


Submitted by susan.bird on

Our class talked about the lifecycle of a butterfly.  We had a chance to observe caterpillars turn into a chrysalis, then watch the butterflies emerge.

Mrs. Ann Gallagher

Field Trips to Cornbelly's

Submitted by susan.bird on

What is a good way to celebrate the coming of fall break?  A field trip to Cornbelly’s, of course.  Our first and second graders and our kindergarten went to Cornbelly’s the week before fall break.

Mrs. Julieta Flores, Mrs. Jasmine Weier, Mrs. Jessica Barrett

Term One Reading Challenge

Submitted by susan.bird on

Each term the students at Brookside are given a reading challenge.  They are asked to read a certain amount of books based on their grade level.  And if they complete the challenge the student received a certificate and a prize.  This term the prize was getting to throw a pie in the face of a teacher or the student council.  They had s