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Crystal Apple Award - Christina Broussard

Submitted by susan.bird on

We are excited to award our Crystal Apple Award to one of our fabulous teachers, Mrs. Christina Broussard. We love having Mrs. Broussard (Mrs. B) as a member of the Brookside family.  She has been a team player.  She started as an intern in second grade.  The next year, she moved to third grade.  Then, because she is such an amazing person, made a move again the following year to kindergarten.  This year, she made the move to be one of the districts remote learning teachers.  She said that it forced her to learn a lot about technology and has given her a lot of ideas to incorporate into her future classrooms.

Mrs. Stapel, who work with Mrs. B in second grade, said, "Mrs. B. was stuck out in a portable with no water and it was difficult for her class to come in even to go to the bathroom.  I was so impressed with how positive she was about the situation.  She is definitely a team player.  Mrs. B. has never been one to sit back and have others work for her.  She would find/create lessons on her own and share them with everyone and was a fun one to plan with and great for bouncing ideas around.  I find her to be a humble, caring person who really gives her best efforts.  She also is kind and thoughtful and thinks of the students' needs.  I have loved having long (although infrequent) chats with her about school, life, family, etc.  I am so glad she was allowed to teach her remote class from Brookside."

Mrs. Bradford, who worked with Mrs. B. in third grade, added, "Mrs. B is very organized, and she can get any job done! She is able to take on A LOT. She is kinda like a boy scout:).... 




Mrs. Gallagher, kindergarten teacher, said, "I'm so glad that I get to call Mrs. B. my friend. She jumped into kindergarten like a pro! She is upbeat, funny and definitely a team player. She is willing to try new things, she brings new ideas to the table and loves the kids here at Brookside. She is the first one here and a lot of the time the last one to leave. Brookside is lucky to have such a great teacher." We are lucky to have Mrs. B. here at Brookside.  She is a mentor to all and willing to help any and all who talk with her.  Her students love her and the staff loves her.  Congratulations, Mrs. B.!
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Mrs. Ann Gallagher