750 E. 400 S.     Springville, UT 84663     |     (801) 489-2830     Fax (801) 489-2834

Mrs. Beckert's Weekly Message

Submitted by liz.porter on

Dear Parents,

We are at the close of another wonderful school week. Students have been working diligently learning procedures, expectations, and new curriculum. I am so proud of their perseverance and hard work. Here are just a few reminders as we head into next week:

  • The PTA is selling spirit t-shirts. I have attached the information to this email. If you would like to purchase a t-shirt, you can send the money with your student to the office and we will make sure it gets to the PTA.

Mrs. Dana Beckert

Who Is This New Brookside Teacher?

Submitted by liz.porter on

I grew up in Provo Utah. I am the middle child out of 3 girls. Growing up my mom, dad, sisters and I loved to watch movies, play games, go camping and travel. I have almost been married for a year now to my best friend Peter Haines. I got married in November of 2018, in Salt Lake city. One of my favorite things, is being an aunt to my 2 nephews who are only 6 days apart from each other. I love watching them grow and learn new things. 

Mrs. Liz Porter

Mrs. Tautu's 1st Grade Class Is Learning How To Read

Submitted by liz.porter on

Here in Mrs. Tautu's first grade class we have been working on our reading stamina! Since the second day of school we have been practicing getting ourselves in reading position and timing ourselves to see how long we can keep up all the expectations of reading to ourselves or reading to a partner! We have seen SUCH growth! Our reading stamina has strengthened since the first of the year from three minutes of straight reading to TEN whole minutes! We are developing amazing reading stamina and strengthening our "reading muscles".

Mrs. Caroline Tautu

Brookside 2nd Grade Students Raised Over $650 In 2018 For The Food And Care Coalition

Submitted by liz.porter on

In May 2018, 2nd graders from Brookside Elementary did a drive for loose change to turn over to the Food and Care Coalition.  The coalition can buy about $500 worth of food with every $200.  We were able to collect $654.93.  WOW! That is over $1500 in food that they were able to buy.  Besides fulfilling one of the social studies core standards of doing something for the community, second graders got practice sorting, counting, adding, and graphing money.  

Mrs. Becky Jorgensen

Mrs. Beckert's Monday Message

Submitted by liz.porter on

Dear Parents,

We are off to a great start for a wonderful school year. We bagan by welcoming the students back to school with a red carpet, balloons, and excitement. Thank you to everyone who helped provide this lively welcome.

Here are a few items of business as we begin our second week:

Mrs. Dana Beckert