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Friend Friday - Mrs. McConnell

Submitted by susan.bird on

Our friend this friday is one of fabulous technicians, Mrs. Rachelle McConnell.  Mrs. McConnell does so much to help our school. She works with small groups during Tiger Time, works one on one with students, does recess and lunch supervisor and will step in to help with anything that is asked.  We love having Mrs. McConnell at Brookside. 


Brookside Praise Note Students For February 29, 2020

Submitted by liz.porter on

Miss Bird says, "Sawyer Grover includes others in games and group work, Reed McFerson is willing to help a classmate with a project, Paytan Paxtan set up chair's for the entire class", Mr. Anderson says "Thayne Stansfield has been on time to school for the last two week and Michael Boyd is always being an active learner and trys his best"

Way to go students, keep up the good things you are doing everyday!

#tigerpride, #brooksidepraisenotes

Principal Beckert


Submitted by susan.bird on

Mrs. Hall's class is learning about different forms of transportation and coloring some pictures!

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #DiscoverPowerWithin #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #iteachtoo

Mrs. Mijken Hall

Museum of Ancient Life

Submitted by susan.bird on

Our fourth graders really enjoyed their trip to the Museum of Ancient Life. Thanks to all of the parent volunteers for meeting at the museum and helping the  students explore the museum. 

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #DiscoverPowerWithin #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #iteachtoo

Ms. Mary Jenn Bradford, Mrs. LeAnn Andrews

Roller Coasters

Submitted by susan.bird on

This week first graders have been learning about forces of motion. In Mrs. Pickering’s class they’ve been doing an experiment testing motion, energy, and gravity while working with a team to make foam roller coasters.

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #DiscoverPowerWithin #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #iteachtoo

Mrs. BrynLee Pickering

The Dot

Submitted by susan.bird on

Mrs. Pickering’s class just finished reading “The Dot”. They learned how everyone is capable of doing something great! They spent some of their day using watercolors to make their own dot.

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #DiscoverPowerWithin #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #iteachtoo

Mrs. BrynLee Pickering

Reaction Time

Submitted by susan.bird on

Our fifth graders had a visit from Reaction Time from Discovery Gateway.  Scientist Phill visited and presented an assembly where he talked about lab safety, states of matter and chemical changes.  After the assembly, the students were able to participate in a lab where they got to mix different chemicals and determine whether those mixed chemical created a chemical or physical reaction.  It was a fun afternoon!

Miss Susie Bird


Submitted by susan.bird on

Students in Miss White’s class are researching and learning about different types of landforms during science. 

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #DiscoverPowerWithin #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #iteachtoo

Miss Kelly White


Submitted by susan.bird on

We put our engineering skills to the test trying to design structures that could withstand our simulated earthquake

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #DiscoverPowerWithin #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #iteachtoo

Mrs. Tammy Smith