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Brookside Elementary Praise Note Students For December 10, 2021

Submitted by liz.porter on

We've had some praise to give this week to a few students that have worked really hard.  Brooke Engle helped a second grader untie a knot in his shoe, Samantha Peugh always is the first to volunteer to help a classmate, Surreal Seely is caught up with all of her assignments, Brielle Henrie worked hard to complete all her assignments that she was missing, Rose Chain is a good friend to those that have a hard day, Katie Cunningham cleaned the snow off of cars after school, and Victoria Fowels was kind to someone at recess and helped some students from another class come in from recess.

Principal Beckert


Submitted by susan.bird on

Congratulations to Lillian Barlow, Lydia BrowN , Maggie Elder, Katie Cunningham  And Aspen Graves.  They are moving on in the reflection competition in their respective categories. We are so proud of you. 

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #RiseUp #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #staywellnebo 

AmazonSmile - Remember to Select Nebo Education Foundation

Submitted by susan.bird on

Did you know that when you shop for the holidays at smile.amazon.com/ch/87-0546418, AmazonSmile donates to Nebo Education Foundation? Nebo Education Foundation has received $5,401 through this program.

One hundred percent of these monies fund teacher grants to help supplement equipment and supplies for students.

By Lana Hiskey

Brookside Elementary Praise Note Students For December 3, 2021

Submitted by liz.porter on

We had some happy, busy do gooder's this week. Margaret Bastian asked students in her classroom if they wanted to be included in her math game, Huck Lewis helped a student who was on the playground, Gabe Barker helped another student with their heart words, Rhenn King and Xander Newby helped when a student was absent, and Blake Bartholomew is a great example to others when it comes to being a good sport.

Principal Beckert

Gobble Contest

Submitted by susan.bird on

This week we had a gobbling contest.  We started in our classrooms and picked a representative to go to the office and show off their gobbling skills over the intercom.  From there, there were three from the lower grades and three from the upper grades for a Gobble Off.  Selected teachers listened carefully during the announcements on Tuesday and sent in their votes.  Congratulations to Matthew Sawyer and Andrew Bott.  They each one a turkey!

Mr. Gregg Crockett

Spirit Friday

Submitted by susan.bird on

Every Friday, we want to celebrate being a Tiger by wearing our Brookside t-shirts.  We want to thank our awesome PTA for helping every student receive a shirt.  We also want to thank several business for their generous donations.  Thank you Lemon and Sage Dinner Crafts, Dr. Gordon Stapel - Chiropractor, Central Bank, Nebo Credit Union, Peterson Plumbing Supply, Moab Outfitters, Birdies Power Equipment, and Child Enterprises.  

We love our shirts.  Remember every Friday is spirit, we look forward to seeing every student in their shirts.

Brookside Elementary Praise Note Students For November 19, 2021

Submitted by liz.porter on

Today our praise note students are Lydia Brown and Ronan Stansfield for picking up trash around the playground, JT Papa helped pick up a friends lunch garbage, Sterling Bushman picked up all of the paper towels off the floor in the boys bathroom, Hank Houston helped a friend in the bus line, and Aspyn Graves cleaned up paper at school. Lot's of great helpers this week keeping our school clean. Way to go tigers!


Principal Beckert

Multiplication Facts

Submitted by susan.bird on

Miss Bradford’s class having fun learning their multiplication facts by playing games! Way to go, students! Keep on keeping on!


#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #RiseUp #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #staywellnebo 


Miss MaryJenn Bradford