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September 2022

September Tigers of the Month

Submitted by tiffany.whitney on

September Tigers of the Month!
We are so proud of these student who have shown friendship to others, worked hard, tried their best, being kind to others and so much more. They got to eat lunch with Ms. Grant and they had so much fun!

Brookside Elementary Office

Third Grade Art Project

Submitted by susan.bird on

Third graders, in Miss Bradford’s and Mrs. Knoebel’s class, had fun tracing life-size images of themselves for a class art project. Definitely a group of artistic and creative students. Keep it up, kids!

Ms. Mary Jenn Bradford and Mrs. Mandy Knoebel

Field Trip

Submitted by susan.bird on

Our fourth graders visited Springville Power Plant on a field trip. We were able to tour the plant and learn about electricity and safety. 

We toured the engine room and learned about what makes the engines run and kinds of things they do to keep these big engines and generators running. We also toured the control room to see how they keep track of everything. 

4th Grade

Edible Utah Maps

Submitted by susan.bird on

Miss Bird's Fourth Graders have been learning about maps.  Their focus has been on Utah and they have been learning about the different features of Utah, mountains, lakes, rivers, plateaus and deserts.  To bring this unit together, the student created a paper map of Utah adding some of the major landforms in Utah.  Then, they created an edible map out of graham crackers, frosting, chocolate chips and licorice.  The students had fun creating their maps and then eating them.

Miss Susie Bird

Camp Floyd

Submitted by susan.bird on

Our fifth graders took a field trip to Camp Floyd to learn about life at the military fort during the civil war. The students attended school to see how kids learned during that time.  They also learned how to make candles, adobe bricks and to shoot a musket.  They had relay races as the Pony Express and visited a hotel and the museum.  Student's learn some unique history about the Civil War and the army that was stationed in Utah.

Miss Kelly White