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Brookside Elementary Kick's Off Red Ribbon Week

Submitted by liz.porter on

This week at Brookside elementary is the PTA's Red Ribbon Week "PROUD TO BE DRUG FREE". Today everyone wore as much red as they could. The student from each class that wore the most read are pictured here. Tomorrow is wear your costume day, Wednesday: Internet safety  is no joke-wackiest hairstyles, Thursday: Pedestrian safety is up to me-wear helmet or hat, Friday: Be a hero, not a bully-dress like favorite superhero.

Mrs. Rachel Orme

Brookside Elementary Praise Notes For Week Of October 23, 2017

Submitted by liz.porter on

Our praise note students for this week are Cosette Lee, Alora Taylor, Eliza Baker, Lewis Talbot, Maxx Mancebo, Hildy Mangum, Andres Solorio, Mia Ollerton, Jeryck McCoy, Caroline Poole, Jens Cutler, Sophia Melendez, Jacob Hill, Luke Hudson, Corbin Moore, Jane Thompson, Sadie Parker, Caleb Salmond, Garvyn Vanpatten, Kaleb Rivas, Johnny Pickering, Liesel Scott, Dylan Keith, Maggie Brooks, Jacynet Delgado, Talon Keith, Alexa Laneres, and Evee Fullmer.

Mrs. Dana Beckert

Praise Notes For The Week Of October 16, 2017

Submitted by liz.porter on

Nate Thompson scrubbed the desks and tables, Riker Zufelt helped his brother and stayed with him when he was hurt, Ben Smith is helpful in the classroom, Carter Barthalomew always sets a good example for everyone by silently reading, Jonas Benson picked up A LOT of trash from the playground, Charlie Smith helped a kindergartener with their pumpkin, Talia Sroufe makes sure her work is neat, organized and easy to read, Lincoln Tibbs played with someone that was sitting on the buddy bench, and Gunnar Weight also played with someone from the buddy bench.

Mrs. Dana Beckert

The Fifth Graders Had A Visit From Kimball Arts Center Last Week

Submitted by liz.porter on

The fifth graders had a visit from Kimball Arts Center.  Heather came to teach the fifth graders about the artist Jimmi Toro.  She shared his artwork and interesting facts about him.  Then, she visited each of the fifth grade classes to create a Jimmi Toro inspired piece.  They stated by drawing a blind contour, then a continuous line self portrait and finally a final copy where they added color and ink.  The students had a blast!

Mrs. Susie Bird

MONDAY MESSAGE: October 16, 2017

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MONDAY MESSAGE: October 16, 2017

Dear Parents,

Fall break is this week! There will be no school on Thursday, October 19th, and Friday, October 20th.  Have a wonderful break!

Thank you for supporting the PTA Reflections. During the assembly on Friday we celebrated many students and their talents. Thank you to Suzie LeSueur and other PTA members for their hard work and dedication to our students and the arts.

Mrs. Dana Beckert

Parents-Please Make Sure You Are Reading Our Principal's Monday Message Every Week On The Website

Submitted by liz.porter on
October 9, 2017 Congratulations to Miss Bird’s class for bringing in the most Box Tops! They were given an Amazon gift card to buy something for their classroom. The PTA brought in $362.00 from the Box Top competition. Please keep saving your Box Tops. We will be having another competition soon and every little bit helps.
Mrs. Liz Porter