750 E. 400 S.     Springville, UT 84663     |     (801) 489-2830     Fax (801) 489-2834

Spotlight - Tyralee Robinson

Submitted by susan.bird on

We are lucky at Brookside to have wonderful technicians to work with our students.  One such individual is Mrs. Tyralee Robinson. Mrs. Robinson joined Brookside three years ago and works with our cute little all day kindergarten students.  She always has a smile on her face,  a positive attitude and loves helping our students. We love having Mrs.

BYU Women's Basketball Game

Submitted by susan.bird on

Last week our fifth graders went on a field trip to the BYU Women's basketball game.  Every year BYU has a kids day and our fifth graders love to participate.  They love watching the game.  But their main goal is to get on the jumbotron during the dance breaks!  They also got to take a couple of selfies with Cosmo.  It was a fun field trip!

Miss Kelly White and Mrs. Tammy Smith

Spotlight - Erin Neth

Submitted by susan.bird on

We have an amazing psychologist at Brookside, Mrs. Erin Neth.  She has been at Brookside for three years.  She works with our students and helps them in all kinds of ways.  She is amazing at what she does and we are lucky to have her at Brookside.

Out of My Mind

Submitted by susan.bird on

Students in Miss White's class are reading a class novel together called Out Of My Mind by Sharon M Draper. It’s a story about a girl named Melody who has cerebral palsy and cannot walk or talk. She communicates by pointing to words on a board. They did a communication challenge activity to help students experience a small part of what that might be like. They discussed what was challenging about it and how students were able to communicate in ways other than speaking. They discussed empathy and what it would be like for the main character.

Ms. Kelly White

Spotlight - Mrs. Lee Miller

Submitted by susan.bird on

We are lucky at Brookside to have wonderful technicians to work with our students.  One such individual is Mrs. Lee Miller. Mrs. Miller joined Brookside this year and jumped in with both feet.  She always has a smile on her face,  a positive attitude and loves helping our students.  Welcome to the Brookside family, Mrs.

Validating the Emotion Without Condoning the Behavior

Submitted by susan.bird on

Dealing with concerning behaviors can be difficult for parents of children with disabilities. Many parents struggle knowing how to truly validate or connect with their child during a crisis without first resorting to some kind of negative consequence or punishment.

Join us to learn life-changing parenting techniques that will show you how you can emotionally connect with your child all while teaching them appropriate behaviors.

Mrs. Lana Hiskey

Nebo Community School Winter 2023

Submitted by susan.bird on

Nebo Community School classes are here. The classes will begin in January, so join a class to help those winter blues. This is an amazing opportunity to expand your horizons and improve your abilities. The goal of the Community School Program is to meet the needs and interests of the people in the community. There are many course options to choose from, recommendations are encouraged. We would love to see you there!

Mrs. Lana Hiskey