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Loveland Living Planet Aquarium visits 2nd Grade!

Submitted by susan.bird on

The week our 2nd grade classes had a wonderful experience when the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium came for a visit. We were able to learn about the rainforest and some of the creatures that inhabit that natural terrain. The students were extremely excited to see the wonderful animals and to learn about the wonders of nature.

Mrs. Christina Broussard

Bubble Party

Submitted by susan.bird on

Way to go, Miss Bradford’s class! They earned a bubblegum party for doing things like…being quiet and ready to listen, keeping the classroom clean, being quiet in the halls, etc. Students had to earn 100 gum balls before they could get their party on.

Ms. Mary Jenn Bradford

Brookside Elementary Praise Note Students For September 24, 2021

Submitted by liz.porter on

Here are the Brookside students who did some kind and helpful things this week:

Principal Beckert watched Maclynn Thompson and Max Thompson help Mrs. Whiting serve breakfast in the lunchroom, Mrs Colby saw Shawn Costello helping another student be at the right place at the right time, Mrs. Barker saw Olivia Woodward pick up garbage on the playground, and Mrs. Knoebel said Becca Oberg helped multiple people to clean their desks without being asked.

Principal Beckert

Brookside Elementary Praise Note Students For September 17, 2021

Submitted by liz.porter on

Mya Oakey helped when her friends got a little mad at each other, she figured out a way to make everyone laugh and be friends again, Brooks Johnson and Caleb Hylton went the extra mile and dried all the washed dishes while working in the lunch room this week, Leah Simkins shared her prize box with a classmate, Shawn Costello has been trying hard to stay on task and do his best and Mauricio Patino helped a student fix her bike tire. So many kind acts happening around our school this week.

Principal Beckert

Nebo School District Offers Love and Logic Parenting Workshop

Submitted by susan.bird on

Nebo School District in partnership with Spanish Fork City presents a virtual Love and Logic Parenting Workshop.

“There's a lot of advice out there on how to raise your kids – some better than others. ‘Love and Logic’ is a favorite of therapists, family life educators, teachers, principals, and most importantly parents. It is practical, easy to learn, and really effective! Come and enjoy this fun, upbeat, and informative workshop full of useful tips!” – Jonathan Sherman, LMFT, Family Therapist and Parent Educator

Where: Online via Zoom

By Lana Hiskey

Brookside Praise Note Students For September 3, 2021

Submitted by liz.porter on

Olivia Reynolds gave a classmate ideas to help her with her story, Maggie Miller works really hard to do her best all the time, Quinn Rummage stays on task and offers to help the teacher and classmates, Samantha Peugh cleaned up trash on the playground, and Felisha Weller was very patient, understanding and kind to her peers while reading with them. She went above and beyond!

Congratuations for our students for their hard work this week and caring attitudes.

Principal Beckert