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Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Jurkadis

Submitted by susan.bird on

We have a fabulous new instructional coach with us this year.  Mrs. Susan Jurkatis.  Mrs. Jurkatis comes into all of our classrooms and helps us to teach our students many different reading and writing strategies.  She shares books and activities with the students.  And helps them to find the love of reading.

On the weekend, she loves to spend time with her grandson and family

Brookside Elementary Praise Note Students For December 4, 2020

Submitted by liz.porter on

Ryder Giles is not giving up even when the assignments get difficult, Truman Burton and Wesley Martin have been coming to school early to get ahead, Casey Cottle comes in to class and is on task even before the bell rings, Mati Dellamas is always willing to help others and the teacher, Wyatt Kellar has turned in all of his homework, Kipper Sorensen has been working very hard in math and has made some great improvement, Britany Bejarano is helping

Principal Beckert

Native American Day

Submitted by susan.bird on

The kindergarten had to make some adjustments, but they still had a fun Native American Day!

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #BeTheMagic #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #iteachtoo #covid19 #staywellnebo 

Mrs. Ann Gallagher

Talking Turkey

Submitted by susan.bird on

Mrs. Hill’s class learned about turkeys this week and got to see this real turkey mount that Mr. Anderson brought to school! 

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #BeTheMagic #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #iteachtoo #covid19 #staywellnebo 

Mrs. Lexi Hill

Teacher Spotlight - Mrs. Larsen

Submitted by susan.bird on

Today’s teacher spotlight is our Optional Extended Day Kindergarten Teacher, Ms. Angela Larsen.  We are excited to have Ms. Larsen on our staff teaching some of our youngest students.  Here are some thing to know about Ms. Larsen.

On the weekends, she loves to spend time with her family and in the outdoors.

If she could have lunch with any fictional character, it would be Rapunzel.

Don't Eat the Turkey

Submitted by susan.bird on

Kindergarten tried to persuade you not to eat turkey! 

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #BeTheMagic #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #iteachtoo #covid19 #staywellnebo


Mrs. Ann Gallagher

Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Gregory

Submitted by susan.bird on

Mrs. Shareka Hall-Gregory is our new fourth grade teacher and her team and students could be more excited to have her.  She brings lots of experience and fun ideas to our fourth grade.  We are so happy to welcome Mrs. Gregory to Brookside and know she will fit right into our Brookside family. 

If you could have lunch with a fictional character, who would it be?  Ellie from Up (the wife)

Wax Museum

Submitted by susan.bird on

A couple of weeks ago our Fifth Graders held their annual wax museum.  It looked a little different this year.  The students were asked to pick a person who had an impact on America.  They read a biography about their person and took notes about what they found interesting.  The student wrote a speech and created a poster about their famous person.  On the day of our wax museum, students dressed up as their famous person and delivered their speech in front of their classes.  We were sad that we could not hold our real museum and present our spee