750 E. 400 S.     Springville, UT 84663     |     (801) 489-2830     Fax (801) 489-2834

What is the Sun?

Submitted by susan.bird on

Finally some sunshine! Brookside students are optimistic that Spring really might be coming afterall.

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #iteachtoo

Mrs. Tammy Smith

Bolivian Art

Submitted by susan.bird on

Mrs. Stapel's 2nd graders and Mrs. Graves' 4th graders have been working with a local Springville, Utah Artist, Jacqui Larsen, in a student art exchange with children in Bolivia. Both classes have been thrilled to receive professional instruction from Mrs. Larsen during the month of January and February. Some of the art from Brookside students as well as Bolivian students will be displayed at our Annual Spring Showcase on April 22nd. Thanks to all involved. Hope to see you there!

Mrs. Miranda Graves

Brookside Elementary Won The School Breakfast Week Grand Prize

Submitted by liz.porter on

Here are the student's that won the National school breakfast coloring contest. The first place, grand prize for most improved breakfast awareness at a school was awarded to our school from the district lunch program. That winner from Brookside was Ariana Rees and she won a bike.

The coloring contest winners from each grade are:  Olivia Woodward, Letley Strong, Marlie Brown, Angelina Love, and Scarlett Fullmer.

Mrs. Kimberly Whitney

College Month

Submitted by susan.bird on

Mrs. Beckham, our school counselor comes into our classrooms each month and teaches us many different skills that will help us with our learning. This month, each grade level met together as Mrs. Beckham taught about college. She read them a story, talked about the importance of going to school and continuing our education and had them fill out a college application. Thanks, Mrs. Beckham for helping us learn!

Miss Susie Bird

Book Mark Coloring Contest For Read Across America

Submitted by liz.porter on

Thank you to every student who turned in a colored Read Across America Book Mark. They were all very well done. We hope everyone enjoyed reading last week. The winners are:

Kindergarten-Emi Cruz, 1st grade-Ruth Barker, 2nd grade-Henry Mangum, 3rd grade-Maddison Bills, 4th grade-Caoline Felix, 5the grade-Mary Finlayson, 6th grade-Madison Fay

#readacrossamerica, #ilovetoread

Miss Kelly White

Brookside Praise Note Students March 8, 2019

Submitted by liz.porter on

Alice Butterfield has made an effort to include others, Lucas Cox worked hard to get caught up and never complains, Jayse Divine has been working very hard in class this week, AJ Middleton always has great ideas and suggestions to help our class work towards success, Adam Anderson is being more aware of the morning bell to signal its time to clean up, Callum Jolley pays attention and following directions in class, Corbin Moore jumped right into a math project and worke

Mrs. Dana Beckert

Reaction Time Assembly

Submitted by susan.bird on

Last week, the fifth grade was able to attend an assembly put on by Discovery Gateway called Reaction Time.  In this assembly, Mr. Phill Evans taught the students about chemical and physical changes.  He showed some really cool demostrations to demostrate chemical reactions.  Then, the student were able to participate in a lab where they got to try their hand at some chemical reactions.  It was a fun way to review out Science unit on matter.

Miss Susie Bird

Dr. Seuss Wrap Up

Submitted by susan.bird on

To go along with our dress up week, we had a couple of competitions runnings.  The first took place in library and was called the Math with the Lorax competition.  There was a large jar of gumballs in the library and each student got to guess how many gumballs were in the jar.  The number of gumballs in the jar was… 495!

The closest guess and the first place winner is:  Azariah Sroufe in Mrs. Haines 5th Grade class. She guessed 499 gumballs.

Miss Kelly White

Earthquake Science

Submitted by susan.bird on

We learned more about earthquakes and seismic activity in 5th grade with our earthquake simulation. We have a few future engineers among us!

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #iteachtoo


Mrs. Tammy Smith

Georgia O'Keefe Art Study

Submitted by susan.bird on

Mrs. Graves class invited our district art specialist, Mrs. Palmer,  to class to help them with an art project. They are working with Mrs. Palmer on our flowers of Utah project, using the style of Georgia O’Keefe.

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher #iteachtoo


Mrs. Miranda Graves