750 E. 400 S.     Springville, UT 84663     |     (801) 489-2830     Fax (801) 489-2834

Chess Tournament This Thursday

Submitted by susan.bird on
This Thursday, November 1, the Springville Library is holding a chess tournament.  All ages are welcome.  It's free.  It's casual.  Games will be 6:30-8:30 pm.  Come for any portion.  No registration needed. #brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher
Mrs. LeAnn Andrews

Brookside Elementary Praise Note Students For October 29, 2018

Submitted by liz.porter on

Wesley Martin walked down the hall quietly and calmly, Grace Greenhalgh has good manners and says excuse me, Dallyss Ellner is a quiet worker, Chase Zufelt is always positive, Taylor Woodward was on track with math work while the class was being rowdy, Kera Patterson was very helpful for the substitute and worked hard, Dominic Mortensen held his temper, was patient, and used his words to resolve a conflict with another student, and Teagan Farrer kept workin

Mrs. Dana Beckert

Mrs. Bradford's Class has been Busy!

Submitted by susan.bird on

Miss Bradford’s class learned all about warm and cool colors from GAINS presenter, Christine Palmer. Students followed-up with an art activity, where they created warm or cool art pieces of their own. These pieces are proudly on display in Miss Bradford’s room.

School counselor, Andria Beckham teaches about teamwork in Miss Bradford’s class.  “A fun time was had by all.”

Ms. Mary Jenn Bradford

The Velveteen Rabbit

Submitted by susan.bird on

Third grade visited the Hale Center Theater this week. They saw the play The Velveteen Rabbit and had a great time! Students also enjoyed a picnic lunch and some time to play on the playground in the park.

This week they have compared and contrasted the similarities and differences between the book, short movie, and the live performance of The Velveteen Rabbit. Then voted on which version they liked best. They tallied the votes and made a graph showing which version had the most votes- the play version won by a landslide!

Miss Kelly White, Ms. Mary Jenn Bradford

Reflection Winners

Submitted by susan.bird on

Last week we celebrate everyone who entered Reflections.  This year's theme was "Hero's around Me".  All of the projects were amazing!  Thank you to all who participated.  Here are the winners in each category.  They will be going on to the next level of competition.


  • Josiah Fry 1st grade Tautu
  • Nathan Cunningham 1st grade Tautu
  • Luke Elder 3rd grade White
  • Quin Clegg 4th grade Graves

 3-D Visual Arts:

Miss Susie Bird, Mrs. Rachel Cardenas

Museum of Curiosity

Submitted by susan.bird on

The fifth grade visited the Museum of Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point for a field trip on October 17.  This field trip was so much fun.  The students were put into groups to play together, work together and help each other.  One group of students work with their a member of their group to overcome her fear of hieghts.  They were all so proud of her.  The student returned to school exhausted from all the exploring, running and playing.  You know it's a good field trip when the student just want to take a nap when we return.  Thank you Thanksgiving Point for

Miss Susie Bird, Mrs. Tammy Smith, Mrs. Abby Haines

Jaker's Pumpkins

Submitted by susan.bird on

Brookside students received a pumpkin from Jaker's today.  The kids love this tradition and look forward to getting these pumpkins every year.  Thank you Jaker's for donating a pumpkin to every student in our school!

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeache

Miss Susie Bird

Graphs in Math

Submitted by susan.bird on

Students in Miss White’s third grade class had fun learning about graphs in math this week! They formed questions, took a survey and made a graph of their findings.

#brooksidetigers #tigerpride #brooksidestudents #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher


Miss Kelly White

Class Election

Submitted by susan.bird on
Aligned with our study of the branches of US Government, we had an election for class President and Vice President. After a few days of amazing posters, eloquent speeches, and little incentives in the form if treats and bouncy balls, the clear winners have emerged! Mrs.
Mrs. Tamara Smith