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Mrs. Beckert's Monday Message

Submitted by liz.porter on

Dear Parents,

I thought I would send out the Monday Message a little early this week so that you could make the necessary arrangements for the early out on Monday. Here are just a few reminders:

  • Monday, March 5th, will be a half day. Students will be dismissed at 12:00 noon. AM Kindergarten students will be dismissed at the regular time, 11:15. There will be no PM Kindergarten.

Mrs. Dana Beckert

Brookside P.E. Bobsled Teams Win Gold, Silver, and Bronze

Submitted by liz.porter on

In P.E. we did our own version of the Winter Olympics. The first game we did was the bobsled. Students were in groups of three and each sat on their own scooter. They would link themselves together with their legs. Students used their arms to push themselves around a course in the gym as fast as they could. Other students would cheer on and encourage their classmates. It was a lot of fun to participate and work together with classmates in this Olympic game!

Miss Kallie Alexander

The Week Of February 26, 2018 Praise Note Students At Brookside Elementary

Submitted by liz.porter on

Haylee Marian worked hard to understand math this week, David Sanders worked hard on his writing, Halle Strong always has a positive attitude, Max Sorensen behaved extra well during inside recess, Devon Levengood read silently when asked, Tryg Stewart read quietly when asked to, Ace York took care of the class head phones, Garvyn Vanpatten is always honest about rewards he earns in the classroom, Daniela Prieto shared her treats and

Mrs. Dana Beckert

Brookside Students Receive Springville Mayor’s Recognition Award

Submitted by liz.porter on

On behalf of Mayor Rick Child and the Springville City Council I would like to congratulate the PTSA students; Deagan Rosenlof, Brynn Jones, Molly Hunter, , Madoc Jones, Gavin Jones are students at Brookside Elementary. Levi Palmer and Kevin Pau Rojas attend other schools. All were nominated for a Springville Mayor’s Recognition Award.  The students were nominated by several community members and teachers

Mr. Dustin Anderson

Ballet West Came To Brookside Elementary On Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Submitted by liz.porter on

Brookside students were treated to a visit from Ballet West, a Salt Lake City based ballet company. They picked some students to come up on stage and taught them some ballet steps and demonstarted ballet technique. They also performed selections from The Nutcracker in full costume. We would like to thank them for coming, they are truely amazing professionals in their art.

Mrs. Miranda Graves

Mrs. Beckert's Monday Message For February 26, 2018

Submitted by liz.porter on

Dear Parents,

Thank you to all the parents who took the time to respond to the Stakeholder’s Survey. The data is now available and teachers will be given a copy of their feedback within the next week. We understand and appreciate the importance of working together to provide a quality education for all students. Thank you again for your feedback.

Here are a few reminders for this week:

Mrs. Dana Beckert