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Principal Beckert's Monday Message December 16, 2019

Submitted by liz.porter on

Dear Parents,

We had a great start to our Christmas Spirit Week. The students brought in over 4 barrels of food. Thank you so much for your generosity! Here is just a reminder about the remaining days:

Tuesday, December 17th – “Sweaters for Sweaters” --  Wear your best Ugly Christmas sweater and bring in any nice, gently used sweaters and other clothing to be donated to a local thrift shop. Drop off the articles of clothing in the baskets in the office.

Principal Beckert

"Can" You Fill Santa's Hat

Submitted by susan.bird on

It is spirit and service week here at Brookside Elementary.  Each day we will have a theme for our dress up and donations to go along with it.  Today was “CAN you fill Santa’s Hat.” We asked students to fill a santa hat with canned goods and drop them up in front of the office, then they could wear their Santa hat the rest of the day.  It was fun to see all the hats and to watch our bins get full. All the donations will be sent to Tabitha’s Way to help those in need.


Submitted by liz.porter on

We will be holding our annual STEM and robotics class from January 21st - March 17th on Tuesday's at 3:30pm. Registration will begin after winter break on January 2nd. The cost will be $65

Principal Beckert

Geology in Fourth Grade

Submitted by susan.bird on

We have started our geology unit. We have learned about weathering, erosion, and soil.  We learned about mineral being the building blocks of rocks. This day we made our own rocks. Just like the rock granite is a mixture of the minerals: mica, feldspar, and quartz, our rocks all contained three or four unique minerals. We had some pretty great names for our rock too.

Mrs. LeAnn Andrews

Teacher Tuesday - Mrs. Graves

Submitted by susan.bird on

It’s teacher Tuesday and our teacher this week is Mrs. Miranda Graves.  Mrs. Graves is one of third grade teachers. She is an amazing teacher. She is creative, artistic and a Disney lover!  We are so lucky to have Mrs. Graves teaching our third graders.

What do you love to do on the weekend? love to go on adventures with my girls

If you could have Lunch with a fictional character, who would it be? Merlin

Miss Susie Bird

Principal Beckert's Monday Message For December 9, 2019

Submitted by liz.porter on

December 9, 2019

Dear Parents,

Our Student Council has been planning a Christmas Spirit Week for the week on December 16th. There will be a flyer coming home with information on Thursday, but I wanted to give you a heads up. Here is the information:

Brookside’s 2019 Christmas Spirit Week

In true Christmas Spirit, we are going to have dress up days along with a coordinating service day. This will take place the week of December 16th.

Principal Beckert

Deck the Halls of Brookside Elementary

Submitted by susan.bird on

The 6th graders got to be "set decorators" and help set the scene for Christmas in our school!  They helped to design a gingerbread house, candy canes and "street signs" to help make our halls festive.  The 3rd and 4th graders made candy cane ornaments for the tree and everyone in the school will make a gingerbread man for the halls!  Merry Christmas!

Mrs. Jill Tolley

Praise Note Students For December 6, 2019

Submitted by liz.porter on

Thayne Stansfield has been working hard in class all week, Vanessa Renteria has done all of her reading homework for the last 8 weeks, and Max Dietz always wants to help and is a good friend. 

We think our students here at Brookside Elementary are amazing and many are looking to extraordinary things every day. Keep it up Tigers!!!

#brooksidepraisenotes, #brooksidetigers

Principal Beckert


Submitted by susan.bird on

The fifth graders recently studied division.  In the division unit, we learn about interpreting the remainder.  Every year, we perform a readers theatre about what to do with the remainders.  The students practice and then perform for their class about whether they need to round up, drop it or share it.  The students do an amazing job and have fun learning about remainders.

Miss Susie Bird